
A fantastic time to start planning your garden!

Prune those Roses, Wisteria and fruit trees 

Why not shred your Christmas tree and use it for compost? 

Get the green house cleaned out and pots ready for Spring planting 

This is a very good month to rake worm casts from the lawn to avoid mud patches


Prepare for the season ahead

Cut back any shrubs and move any that might thrive more in a different position 

Clear the garden of any perennial weeds like Dandelions 

Protect any new Spring shoots from slugs and snails  

This is great month to plant shallots, onions and early potatoes 

Lift and divide overgrown clumps of perennials 

Top dress any containers with compost


Treat your lawn to its first cut of the year!

Fertilise all beds to wake them up for the Spring 

Feed all Roses and make sure they are all pruned 

Prune Clematis 

Dead-head all Hydrangeas and Daffodils  

Install supports for plants to encourage growth in the right direction 

Turn-over and hoe all well-rotted compost. If needed, add in new compost


Increase the water given to garden and house plants

Protect all fruit blossom for late frosts 

Feed all citrus plants 

Sow hardy annuals, herbs and wild seeds 

Seed new lawns and patches 

Prune fig trees 

Divide bamboo and water lilies  

Plant summer flowering bulbs 

Keep weeds under control


Get ready for the summer by planting bedding plants at the end of the month

Earth up potatoes

Water earlier in the day and in the evening to contain moisture

Regularly hoe off weeds

Mow lawns weekly from now on

Look out for Viburnum beetle and Lily beetle grubs


Mow lawns at least once a week

Start spraying box hedging

Harvest salad plants and early potatoes

Prune Spring flowering shrubs, Pyracanthus and privets

Shade green houses

Fertilise perennials, shrubs and Roses

Watch out for black spot and aphids


Prune Spring flowering shrubs

Pick courgettes 

Treat apple scab 

Clear algae off all ponds and keep the water topped up 

Feed lawns 

Harvest apricots 

Prune flower bedding plants and shrubs 

Plant autumn crocuses, amaryllis and nerines  

Feed and cut hanging baskets 


Regularly maintain water to the garden and lawn, at least once a day

Sow hardy annuals

Prune and 'dead-head' Roses

Raise level on mower to avoiding burning the grass

Water Camellias and Rhodedrons

Stake plants such as Dahlias to prevent broken stems

Cut back herbs to encourage new growth before the frost


Don't water the grass unless it's necessary

Scarify grass 

Dig over an area to be grassed and leave it for a few weeks before laying down new turf or seeds 

Plants perennials 

Dead head any plants 

Save and collect any rain water through guttering pipes 

Pick apples


Protect plants from the onset of the cold by raising them or placing them into the greenhouse

Continue to harvest fruit and vegetables 

Sow Crepis, Hollyhocks, Sweet Peas, Aqua Liger and Oriental Poppies 

Plant Daffodils and Tulip bulbs 

Plant Spring bedding 

Plant Wallflowers, Primulas and Winter Pansies


Don't let the birds go hungry this Christmas, make sure you feed them through-out the Winter months!

Lift Dahlia tubers 

Cut back yellowing foliage of herbicious perennials 

Collect leaves and put them in black bags for next years compost 

Empty pots which are sitting in water 

Plant winter wedding plants 

Feed birds throughout the winter months especially  


Keep leaves off the lawn

Dig over empty borders 

Prune climbing roses, acers, fruit trees and grape vines 

Avoid walking on grass this time of year if soaking wet

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